Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ultimate Frisbee - Irving, Texas

Today, I traveled to Irving to see my little brother play in an ultimate frisbee tournament. He is part of a mish-mash of a team that is from Austin, and apparently (I think) he's the only college player playing on this team today. TJ's college team is ranked 9th in the nation and you can visit their website at Texas Ultimate. Upon Duk's request, I tried to take as many action shots as possible and if TJ wants prints of any of these he can either order them from my Flickr page or I can email as needed.

These were the clouds as I walked up to the field. I can't remember the last time I saw clouds here in Texas during daylight hours.

This tournament was located at the Las Colinas Polo fields.

The first game was somewhat close, I think the final score was 15-10, team Austin. As I found out, you play for 2 hours or the first team to 15. The following are pictures from that first game.


Action shot, excellent.

This is the beginning of game 2. The first possession, TJ threw a really long pass for a score.

I believe that this is another score by TJ.

I was too late for this picture, this was a really long pass that TJ caught (one of at least two long passes) for a score.

This is TJ expressing his disgust with me and my camera. I guess this means that I need a new camera. I'll just tell Miranda that we won't be getting bedroom furniture anytime soon and I'm sure she'll be fine with that.

Obligatory picture of myself.

Good times, the team that TJ was on was the #1 seeded team and they dominated the second game. I left with the score 10-2 team Austin. I did leave my first two audio posts to assist in describing the action as I was there feeling the action.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested