Happy Birthday TJ! This is embarrassing, but Mom came by the house today and she reminded me that tomorrow is TJ's birthday and to be quite honest, I had completely forgotten. TJ is almost done with school and I know that he's super-excited to be entering into the work world next year. As I am sure you are well aware, enjoy it while you can, it's downhill from here (downhill in the sense that you'll have a mortgage, a car payment, constant bills, etc.).
Things I Learned While In Colorado:
1. When Miranda sings she has one note. Literally, she sings in one note. At first it's really cute and funny, but after 3 hours of the same note it can get to a fellow.
2. I thought that being in the same car with my wife for 12 hours would ruin our relationship, but it didn't, it was really nice and I think we had a good time despite being in a confined space.
3. We both strangely missed our dogs. In fact, it got to be the last day and we both mentioned how it would be nice to get home to the puppy dogs. Sad, but true.
4. Going and seeing and doing is much better than sitting and reading and tanning.
5. I had a 12 day beard and it was wonderful. I don't think that my boss would really object, but I also think that he wouldn't condone. Perhaps for another time.
5. Miranda and I really do love each other.
On another note, since my wife and I have caught the hiking bug I stumbled across Trail Link. Trail Link is a search engine of all trails in the US. A nifty and handy website if you want to go camping and need to know where some trails are to hike.
I look slammed in that picture, and I know Marilea didn't have *that* many booze at her house.
very sweet post, Seth! I beg to differ with number 4, however, some might say I'm lazy when on vacation :) I'm ok with that, though. are y'all going to Anthony's wedding on Saturday?
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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