1. Upcoming Movies,
2. Cody Lane (how did I not have his website on my site I do not know),
3. Dallas Mavs Message Board, and
4. Texas Tech football on Yahoo.
My goal is still to keep the interface clean, its just that with quite a few of the photos, the white sky really didn't stand out against the white background, everything seemed to be washed out, out. I really do like the new look, but I don't know that I'm completely done tinkering with the new look.
Ashley T. asked in the most recent comment how I was able to post so many pictures. The long and short of it is that there is a new internet browser called Flock. One of the interesting things about Flock is that you can access your Flickr photos while using the browser and you can publish a post from the browser as well. Thus, I can be on any page and still post to this blog. In addition to that publishing photos is as simple as dragging and dropping the photos onto my blog post created by Flock. It also allows you to pull over as many photos as your heart desires which is why there are so many pictures in the vacation posts. As I read over this, it sounds awfully confusing, however, it's really very easy and I would be more than happy to show anyone and everyone how this is done.
I also need to respond to Duk, yes, I think that Cantstandya and I would love to venture to Oklahoma for Labor Day. I think it will be fun.
I also stumbled across a neat little website that lets me know when someone has left a comment. It doesn't let me read the comment, but with all of these really long posts it can be a real drag as to when someone may have left a comment. If you have a blog then do not be afraid to use Commentful.
I still have a few comments to wrap up the vacation that I'll try to get to in a post later in the week, but for the most part I think it's back to business. As an aside, the picture above was taken at sunset, while Miranda was driving back from Breckenridge to our motel in Dillon. The sun was setting, and I put that tungsten filter on the photo and I think it looks amazing.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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