Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Of all things I was listening to BaD Radio during lunch yesterday and they had Coach Ortegal on and he actually said something somewhat profound. The key to success is being able to do the mundane and repetitive things with the same type of vigor and concentration level which you had the first time you did those things.

With my job, it seems like I do much of the same things over and over again. Circumstances change and that's when the job become interesting, however, being able to look at real estate contracts or wills or corporate formation documents have to be looked at with great detail and care. If you miss something or if you do not have the same type of care that you would have with a $50,000 deal versus a $2 million deal then you're not doing your job.

The thing about having this attitude is that I at times take for granted the knowledge that I learn over the years and then you feel like you can gloss over these details, however, it's that knowledge that makes you better at what you do.



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