The gang was all there at the house cooking fajitas for Ann. From left to right: Miranda, Ann, Ashley F., Justin F. and Brady. As an aside, Randy was next to me as I was taking this picture.

This is Kweenie, my mother's dog. She's a really sweet puppy dog who is just getting old. More on lovable Kweenie later.

Jenson running.

Jenson and Jackie running.
Mother's day was a wonderful success. It started out by going to church with Miranda's family in Kaufman. And no, I didn't burst into flames by being in a Baptist church. Next, Miranda and I went to my parents for lunch. We had hamburgers and everyone was there except for Ryan (working), Blake (stomach issues), and TJ (I think school, but I'm not sure). This was a really nice lunch, the weather was absolutely perfect and I got Mom a card with an I.O.U. I promised to help her in the fall whenever she needs plants to be moved into the greenhouse. I'm horrible at getting gifts and I hate getting cards.
Kweenie is an incredible sweet but incredible obsessive puppy dog. For years she's been inside a backyard or a dog pen, as are most puppy dogs. Kweenie kept getting out and so Mom just gave up trying to keep her caged. This may have been the absolute best thing that could have happened for Mom and Kweenie. Kweenie now roams free and I believe that she's happier now that she's ever been. She runs, jumps in ponds, attacks turtles and when she's tired she comes up towards the house and just rests. Mom doesn't really have to worry about her because she knows that she's not going very far. She should have done this years ago, but hindsight is 20/20.
Next, Miranda and I rushed to Home Depot to purchase a grill, one which I promise not to ruin. Then we headed over to our house and the insanity began. We started cleaning and preparing food and we just barely got everything done. I put the fajita's on the grill at around 6:00 and I think we started eating at 7:00. Once again a really lovely time.
Needless to say, I was exhausted and I think I passed out on the floor at 9:00. Miranda dragged me to bed at 10:00 when she went to bed.
Monday night, I was once again exhausted and I went to bed at 8:30, missing the Mavs game. I know that being a sports person I have violated every code of conduct ever created, but work was incredibly frustrating day and I really needed to sleep to get away from my brain. Not to mention, my wife would not have allowed me to watch the 1st half of the game due to the Grey's Anatomy finale. Today wasn't much better. I keep thinking that maybe a day off here or there will really do me some good.
I appreciate the comments regarding the re-design. Maybe someday I'll actually have my own website, that's stuff of day dreams. In the mean time if there's anything that you feel like needs to be added to either side panel, or perhaps certain categories should be moved to different places, then please feel free to comment.
and the series just got more interesting
says the TJ..
You need to sack up and get back in the flow of the playoffs. I'm so disappointed. I don't even know who you are anymore.
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