On May 19th, sweet Puppy Dog Blue turned one year old and this is how they all celebrated.
On an entirely different the Mavs did what I feared they could not. I do not normally get too emotionally involved in sports, but with local teams it is one of my passions. Monday night we went to Brady's graduation and I DVR'ed the game. When I got home Justin F. (and Miranda - I know, shocking) and I started watching, but I couldn't watch each possession. I had to know what happened and I fast-forwarded through almost the entire game. The anticipation of the unknown was killing me. I thin I stopped with about 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. As we watched I realized that this was one of my happiest sports moments. This moment has been commented on here, here and here. I do not think I've ever been so proud as a fan of a team. It wasn't' just that game, it was the entire series, it was drama every other night and it made me lose sleep and it kept me awake when I should have tried to get some sleep. It was incredible.
I hope that we can all relish in a moment somewhat like this. Whatever that moment is in your life that takes your breath away or keeps you awake thinking about other possibilities.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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