Monday, May 29, 2006

Posting From Picasa

Posting from Picasa is so easy, in fact it's really easier that posting from my Blogger account. The other nice thing is that it doesn't take 5 minutes to download the photographs, which is really nice.

Here's Blue on a lazy Saturday.

Olive itching.

Zoey. Posted by Picasa

Adding Notes And Comments in Flickr

Originally uploaded by Puppy Dog Blue.
I don't know if this is going to show up on the blog, but Flickr has done something interesting in that anyone can add a comment on a photo like I've done here. So, with any photo you can add a comment, almost like dialogue for that person.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

An Incredible Moment

On May 19th, sweet Puppy Dog Blue turned one year old and this is how they all celebrated.

On an entirely different the Mavs did what I feared they could not. I do not normally get too emotionally involved in sports, but with local teams it is one of my passions. Monday night we went to Brady's graduation and I DVR'ed the game. When I got home Justin F. (and Miranda - I know, shocking) and I started watching, but I couldn't watch each possession. I had to know what happened and I fast-forwarded through almost the entire game. The anticipation of the unknown was killing me. I thin I stopped with about 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. As we watched I realized that this was one of my happiest sports moments. This moment has been commented on here, here and here. I do not think I've ever been so proud as a fan of a team. It wasn't' just that game, it was the entire series, it was drama every other night and it made me lose sleep and it kept me awake when I should have tried to get some sleep. It was incredible.

I hope that we can all relish in a moment somewhat like this. Whatever that moment is in your life that takes your breath away or keeps you awake thinking about other possibilities.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

First Wedding Anniversary - Part IV

Taking in downtown Dallas. After we got done at the Dallas Aquarium we walked downtown a little bit and wasted time.

The Dallas skyline from the Farmer's Market.

This is so fake it makes me angry. This is at the Dallas Westend, the most touristy part of Dallas.

Monica's is a Mexican eatery that is absolutely delicious. I think Justin F. and Ashley F. introduced us to this place. Mexican Lasagna at Monica's.

Talapia cooked real good.

First Wedding Anniversary - Part III

Sea Creature (I can't remember the name of this guy).

Aquarium Archway.

This is Miranda pointing out the little sea creature and explaining it to me, she's so cute.

March of the penguins.

A good looking bird.

First Wedding Anniversary - Part II

A number of aquariums depicting the sea life from around the world.




Miranda and I.

First Wedding Anniversary - Part I

After making breakfast for my lovely bride, Miranda and I started the day at the Dallas Aquarium. This has been something that Miranda has wanted to do for quite some time and unfortunately, it did not live up to the hype. It was nice and it was pretty, but there just wasn't a lot to it. We basically ran through everything in an hour and to be quite honest, I expect a little more out of $15.00 per person.

An incredibly large alligator.

The artificial rain forest.

Much more endearing self-portrait.

South American Otter.

Year One Is In The Books

I guess it is tradition that you are supposed to eat some of the cake from your wedding on your first anniversary. I think that this cake only brings bad memories for Miranda as it was not the cake that she wanted, nevertheless, the cake was actually pretty good and if anyone wants a slice they are more than welcome to come by for a piece or six. We had a wonderful day which will be detailed in a couple of much larger posts in a day or two.

If you can't wait for the pictures, most, and more, pictures are on my Flickr website. Just click the "PDB@FLICKR" button on the left.

If you've noticed, down the left sidebar I've added a couple of things. The first being the "Add to my . . . " If you have a My Yahoo page then you can click on the link and you'll be able to subscribe to the blog. You can also do this with Google or Netvibes, websites that have their own start page. There's lots of neat things out there so that you can always be notified of a new post and I'm just trying to facilitate that. Not that you don't visit this website every day, but it's a convenience. Also, you'll notice that you can subscribe by plugging in your email address and you'll be emailed any new posts. I think this could really put Puppy Dog Blue on the map. Famous among dozens. Famous among dozens.

Baby Shower For Marilea & Blake

Ryan and TJ.

Flower arrangement at Marilea's.

Mom's cake, it was delicious.

Expecting mother, Darius and Dad.

The James Boys.

It was a really nice baby shower, I happened to see Blake's parents at Target before the shower attempting to purchase a gift at the last minute. Miranda had attempted to purchase a gift in Mesquite on Thursday, but the gift registry was not working at the time.

It was really good to see everyone, I think the last time I saw TJ was Christmas. That's not good.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Year One - Our Anniversary

On May 21, 2005 my wife and I tied the knot and as of today, it's been one year. I cannot express how much my love for my wife has grown over the year. We have had our struggles, but the transition from single life to married life has been relatively easy for us. I love my wife more now than I did a year ago, so much of where we want to go, we want to go there together. This has been a very difficult year for us, particularly because of the loss of Rage, something I really don't think I would have been able to pull out of for a long while without Miranda by my side. I absolutely love her, without any doubt or qualification, she is the person that I am meant to spend the rest of my life with.

Jake Is Born

Not so endearing self-portrait.

New dad getting a hug.

Incredibly out of focus picture of Brandon, Courtney, Stephen and Greggo.

Ashley F. throwing out gang signs.

Brandon announces the news, mother and baby are fine.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day

The gang was all there at the house cooking fajitas for Ann. From left to right: Miranda, Ann, Ashley F., Justin F. and Brady. As an aside, Randy was next to me as I was taking this picture.

This is Kweenie, my mother's dog. She's a really sweet puppy dog who is just getting old. More on lovable Kweenie later.

Jenson running.

Jenson and Jackie running.

Mother's day was a wonderful success. It started out by going to church with Miranda's family in Kaufman. And no, I didn't burst into flames by being in a Baptist church. Next, Miranda and I went to my parents for lunch. We had hamburgers and everyone was there except for Ryan (working), Blake (stomach issues), and TJ (I think school, but I'm not sure). This was a really nice lunch, the weather was absolutely perfect and I got Mom a card with an I.O.U. I promised to help her in the fall whenever she needs plants to be moved into the greenhouse. I'm horrible at getting gifts and I hate getting cards.

Kweenie is an incredible sweet but incredible obsessive puppy dog. For years she's been inside a backyard or a dog pen, as are most puppy dogs. Kweenie kept getting out and so Mom just gave up trying to keep her caged. This may have been the absolute best thing that could have happened for Mom and Kweenie. Kweenie now roams free and I believe that she's happier now that she's ever been. She runs, jumps in ponds, attacks turtles and when she's tired she comes up towards the house and just rests. Mom doesn't really have to worry about her because she knows that she's not going very far. She should have done this years ago, but hindsight is 20/20.

Next, Miranda and I rushed to Home Depot to purchase a grill, one which I promise not to ruin. Then we headed over to our house and the insanity began. We started cleaning and preparing food and we just barely got everything done. I put the fajita's on the grill at around 6:00 and I think we started eating at 7:00. Once again a really lovely time.

Needless to say, I was exhausted and I think I passed out on the floor at 9:00. Miranda dragged me to bed at 10:00 when she went to bed.

Monday night, I was once again exhausted and I went to bed at 8:30, missing the Mavs game. I know that being a sports person I have violated every code of conduct ever created, but work was incredibly frustrating day and I really needed to sleep to get away from my brain. Not to mention, my wife would not have allowed me to watch the 1st half of the game due to the Grey's Anatomy finale. Today wasn't much better. I keep thinking that maybe a day off here or there will really do me some good.

I appreciate the comments regarding the re-design. Maybe someday I'll actually have my own website, that's stuff of day dreams. In the mean time if there's anything that you feel like needs to be added to either side panel, or perhaps certain categories should be moved to different places, then please feel free to comment.

Monday, May 08, 2006


That's my official weight. Not more than two years ago I was a sturdy 170 on a 5'9" frame, a true force to be reckoned with. I had never thought that I was really losing weight, but I could not believe that I had dropped down to this level. That's the weird thing, I eat a pretty big lunch and dinner. I really don't have time to each breakfast in between taking care of the dogs, getting clean for the day and finding my way to work as early as I possibly can.

I think a big part of this is working out on some level. I am not really exercising, but at the end of the day, the last thing that I want to do is go run or lift weights. All I really want to do is sit down and relax after what is usally a really long day. I reckon I should start doing something in the morning, get the day started off right and eat a box of donuts afterwards. Two years ago I worked out almost every day. I was a member at a gym, I ate pretty good, etc. Now the thought of joining a gym makes me want to take a nap or simply blog.

Although I am not a conspiracy theorist, it is interesting that most of my weight loss has ocurred while married or while leading up to being married. So for all of you who are in the planning stages of getting married (Greggo), simply bite the bullet, get hitched and you'll be guaranteed a loss of 15 pounds.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

At Stephen and Ashley's

Most of the entire gang was there (sans Tony and Leslie, but Leslie did show up as we were about to leave).

Can you sense the uncomfortableness? Hetty practically had to throw young Connor into Miranda's arms. Additionally, there were other photos which were less flattering, but decided not to post for fear of retribution.

Young Connor and Hetty.

It's been a really long time since I've simply hung out at Stephen and Ashley's. I used to do this almost every weekend, but due to the fact that I'm not right around the corner, it's not as convenient. I think the winter months also has something to do with it and football season almost always means a day at Stephen's. I really do miss my friends, I do feel a little secluded being in Terrell, but this is my own fault. Despite all of this, this is one of my favorite things to do. Nothing. Hanging out. Enjoying the company of those who I've grown to trust.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A New Day

This is how I spent a Sunday a couple of weeks ago. I read, I worked, I played with the dogs, and I just sat outside. It was completely and utterly uneventful.

Today, I had to go into work a little bit today and when I got home, I knew that my little project would be getting a complete make-over. I've been thinking about and trying to accomplish the "3 column blog" for quite some time, and with the help of a Google search I was able to do this.
I always thought that the white space on the left-hand side of the blog was wasted space and I truly believe that so many people believe this to be true. I appreciate the white space and I believe that not having anything to break up the pictures and the text can be very distracting. Keeping things simple while having a little creativity.

I also wouldn't mind some feedback as to the new design. Also, the things that appear in the sidebars, did anyone like the idea about where I wanted to go or things that I wanted to accomplish. Granted, unless you are me, you have no idea if I'm actually doing these things, and between you, me and the fence post, I haven't taken any grand trips recently and the only thing that I have planned is a trip to Oklahoma City for a wedding in June. Just drop a comment and let me know. I hope everyone enjoys the new design.

Greg mentioned that he's damn tired of the flowers, and I too am a little disappointed with the number of flowers that I take, but for me personally, the pictures are intended to be a part of my life and there's not a lot going on right now. Thus the pictures around the house, of the dogs, etc. I had to go to McKinney this week and I was going to take some pictures of the Collin County courthouse, but it's an old hospital with absolutely no character. For whatever reason, my little brain tells me that the flowers have more character than pictures of a hospital. I think that some people, and maybe rightfully so, believe that these things are on the same level.

I know that I promised more content, but honestly, I have to balance spending time with my wife versus spending time in front of the computer. Internally, I have to resolve what's more important. I don't have the time to post during the day, only at night or very early in the morning. Don't get me wrong, if I could just write during the day, I'd be the happiest guy around. I love doing this stuff.

Monday, May 01, 2006