This is a opening for a cow's head for a cattle shoot at my parent's home.
Finally, after about a month of exchanging emails and being patient, Double T Nation is up and running. Although I seriously doubt that I have any Texas Tech fans out there other than Tony R. and Justin F. I encourage each and every one of you to pass along this website. It will mean so much to me if this little venture is successful.
Earlier this week, Lifehacker linked a great article titlted, "10 Reasons You Should Never Get A Job." Being the type of person who can't seem to function without a job (I like structure) I was really intrigued with the idea. As some of the commentors in the Lifehacker post stated, it's not that easy to start a $40,000/month website that earns money as you sleep. I am not advocating that we all get creative and start our own companies or websites, or somesuch, but do we owe it to ourselves to figure out if we are equipped to do something other than a 9 to 5? Last time I remarked about how my new website was going to allow me to do something that I've wanted to do for a really long time.
How many of you could exist doing something creative, or creating your own niche so that you are working for yourself? Personally, I think that I would always have to rely on a steady income of a normal job, but what if the niche you create becomes normal in the sense that you begin to receive regular income? How many of you would actually quit their job to do what you love?
I have been fascinated with debt management and saving and stuff like that and I ran across two well written articles, both by Get Rich Slowly. I've preached before about the need to make this website a regular of yours and I hope that you are. The first is about taking control of your life and being your own CFO. I love the idea because so many of us just drift through life without any sort of financial plan, or rather our financial plan is predicated upon what your employment provides. I'll probably drive my wife crazy, but I think that I'm going to ask for Quicken or Microsoft Money for Christmas. The second article is about how to get out of debt. I know that some debt is impossible to get out from under, and I think everyone knows the danger of credit card debt, but this is really solid advice if you really want to be proactive in reducing the debt that you have.
Because I've been bad about posting here, I'll give you a number of links. You are to only click on one a day in the off chance that I don't post again for a couple of days. FYI, all of these are from Lifehacker:
- Traveling to Europe, Rick Steves tells you how to stay somewhere cheaply.
- Eyeglasses for $85? That's what I'm talking about. Who wants to spend $300 or $400 on something that's really not that expensive. Eyeglasses has to be the biggest racket going.
- Litsum, online cliff-notes (Leslie R., this is for you.)
- What's the best way to explore a new city?
- Find a national park.
That picture of Tony and Leslie is priceless. Love it!
Not letting people retake pictures is fun and much more exciting.
Great article by Steve. It only fuels my desire to start my online business. Maybe this will help me stop being such a chicken S and do something about it.
Interested in a partnership? Or have anymore good advice for me? I never followed up on the law angle and contacts you got me. My biggest fear is that someone will steal my idea and I don't know how to protect myself.
You complete me.
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