This is why you should always take your camera with you. This is just driving along and taking a couple of quick pictures.

Me and Olive

Miranda and me. She's singing here.

This is Curly, Randy's new dog. It's really hard to get a picture of him because he's constantly in motion. I was lucky here.

Curly attacks.

I've also been reading Slate and it's a really nice review of the days' news. I initially started reading this site while I was in Austin and I had so much free time to waste on the internet. I decided early on that the least I could do is educate myself and this was one of those sites that helped me do that. Slate additionally does a nice job of linking all of the major newspaper articles so if you want to visit those pages then you have that option.
i'm a CNN girl, myself. and MSN. those provide enough news to be informed but not enough to make me depressed....I know what you mean by that. But nothing beats a good old fashioned Dallas Morning News and coffee, Seth!!
AT, it's good to see you've made it to Hotlanta safe and sound, and I'm even more excited to know that you're still commenting on blogs, which is just a step below actually blogging. In no time, you'll be starting a new post. Take care.
very funny, setheroo. you better watch out. once i'm back from atlanta, my blogs are going to blow you away!! :)
i expect big blogs spawning from miranda's birthday celebration tonight. i'm so sad that i can't be there with you guys :( make me proud, jungmans!
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