I think that the world would be a better place if every ceiling in every home was painted sky blue. I really can't imagine a more peaceful and calming color. I would also think that this color would be hard to replicate, but it's such a nice color.
Spring break has been temporarily canceled. Miranda and I won't be able to make it anywhere until she's done with school. That's okay with me, its just that it seems like I've been going non-stop for a really long time and my brain hurts. There's only so much information that I can handle and I think I've reached the tipping point.
By the way, I am making every effort to make my t-shirts logo free. Except for the occasional Tech or Tulsa t-shirt, or incredibly awesome Hanson shirt, I am going logo free. I have found that Gap is making some very comfortable t-shirts and they don't have tags, which is an added bonus.
Duk mentioned that he and Mo might begin thinking about coming down to venture visit and would insist upon a visit to Lone Star Park. Their facilities are top notch and here's the 2006 calendar.
The Morning News has a tournament of books. Don't ask me how they determine a winner, but I'd be willing to bet that these are all pretty good books.
Short-sleeved breast pocket Gap T-shirts. I have 6 colors and that's normally enough to last me all week. By far, the most comfortable shit I have folded in my dresser.
-Terrence Trip-Js
As for the sky blue, it's much too bright for a ceiling. If you could dull the tone, then it'd be an excellent choice.
Is tJJJ Terry Joe? If it is then welcome aboard. I hope that I am not boring you.
Duk, logo free is what is says. I am tired of logoed t-shirts that are profane and funny. I really enjoy just the plain t-shirt without logos. Miranda likes it because she says that I'll have no problem matching during the summer. Everyone's a winner.
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