So last Saturday evening as Miranda and I were cooking dinner, Miranda hears a loud cracking noise. We look outside and this is what we see. Freaking amazing. As you'll be able to tell from the pictures below, there wasn't much keeping the tree connected to Mother Earth, rather, almost 95% of the trunk of the tree was rotted and the small portion that you still see connected to the tree was the only part of the tree that wasn't rotted. Luckily, this tree fell right in the middle of our yard. Not one fence or house hit. I don't know if that's just clean living or the grace of God, but I was glad nonetheless. The Monday afterwards my Mom and Dad showed up to help cut up what we could. I ended up carrying whatever I could to our brush pile and now we will probably have to leave the rest to professionals. That is of course, unless someone has a 3 foot chainsaw to cut the trunk of the tree.
Here's the damage.

I wanted a picture of Blue in the photo so you could get a reference for the size of the tree.

Check out how rotted the base of the tree is. Like I said, 95% of the base of the tree is completely rotten.

Yes, the tree is still basically like this, rather, it's not moving from being perched on a seemingly small piece of of the trunk. I know, it's all very safe.

Zoey running to the rescue.

Blue being just a little weird and sweet all at the same time.