Marilea, Ryan, Saralyn and myself.
Marilea, Ryan and Saralyn.
Ryan, Mom and Dad.
Christmas is quickly approaching and believe it or not, it's been over a year since I started this little project. As all things do, this has morphed into something a little bit different and lately I have been spending more time with Double T Nation, and it's meant a drop-off in my writing here. I haven't heard any complaints, so I assume that it's okay with everyone, or at the very least you understand.
I have become obsessed with personal finance and saving. I have probably written 9 or 10 blurbs about personal finance in the last 2 months and prior to that I had written none. To be honest, I'm not just obsessed with personal finance, but inspired by it. For those of you who knew me, I have always been obsessed with saving money or being more frugal than not, but now that there are websites dedicated to personal finance, well that's just too good to be true.
So in the Christmas spirit, I'll try to give as many people as possible online Christmas gifts or links that hopefully will make your lives better. The first one is for Terry Joe. Since he's getting out of school soon, I ran across this article about jump-starting your life with a financial plan (thanks to Get Rich Slowly).